Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact NACD Communications Manager Sara Kangas. |
NACD Blog: Wildfire work never ends for Western Shasta County RCD In the midst of one of the worst wildfire seasons on record in California, Western Shasta County Resource Conservation District (RCD) continues working on fire reduction and fire prevention through fuel breaks and preparing communities for wildfires and how to prevent them. NACD Blog: District plants inaugural tree along memorial trail Pennsylvania’s Erie County Conservation District (ECCD) teamed up with an Eagle Scout candidate to establish a new trail that will combine forest education with honoring community loved ones. Ag Web: Seeds of Discord: Crossing The Great Cover Crop Divide By necessity, cover crop management is learned through trial and error, according to NACD President-elect Tim Palmer. “Wherever you’re located, don’t expect success without choosing the right cover for your goal,” he advises. “My covers are a means to water quality and soil health. That soil health leads right to my pocketbook.” High Plains Journal: Farmers wage war on weeds and pests through intercropping The goal is to see how well cover crops choke out unwanted weeds and attract beneficial insects like lacewings and lady beetles, which feed on pests like sugarcane aphids. The hope is farmers can save dollars per acre by not having to spray while building their soil health. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: There are many 'ifs,' but the discovery of corn that fertilizes itself could transform agriculture The potential improvements in water and air quality — not to mention financial savings — are staggering. In fact, the lead researcher from Madison acknowledged that he and his colleagues spent a decade studying the corn before going public this month because the conclusions were "almost outrageous." The New York Times: Plan Bee: The Rise of Alternative Pollinators As honeybee prices continue to rise, farmers are turning to other types of bees — like the blue orchard bee, the bumblebee and alfalfa leafcutter — that have proven to be effective pollinators of some crops in certain settings. Washington Examiner: Endangered species law costing the economy hundreds of billions of dollars, says CEI Protecting endangered species could be costing the economy hundreds of billions of dollars above the federal government’s official estimates, according to a new study released Tuesday. Des Moines Register: USDA-supported conservation is reducing Gulf-bound pollutants (Opinion) Conservation success is due, in large part, to the prioritization of funding and technical resources to address the most critical resource concerns. These practices play an important role in keeping sediment and nutrients from washing into waterways — and keeping them on the farms where they belong. Duluth New Tribune: Minnesota ranch looks to regenerate land rather than sustain it But, even more importantly than the influx of wildlife, the changes made on Stoney Creek Farm have reduced input costs while maintaining or exceeding prior crop and cattle performance. To them, sustainability isn't enough. Instead, the Breitkreutzes want to "regenerate" their farm — fix it and continue to improve it for the future. KFYR-TV: Farm Bill conference to start Sept. 5 The Farm Bill Conference committee will meet starting on Sept. 5. This will be the first time House and Senate conferees will meet to resolve the differences between the two versions of the bill. Northern Public Radio: How Buying Decisions Could Help Improve Soil Conditions Carlson says she works with a number of companies that are putting their money where their mouth is and offering cost-sharing for farmers who want to add cover crops. "Over time, the companies share in the learning curve that the farmer has to bear when they try a new practice," Carlson said. |
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