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Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact the NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: District Employees Gather in Tennessee for Annual SECDEA Conference Last week, over 100 district employees from throughout the southeast gathered in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., for the 2019 Southeast Conservation District Employees Association’s (SECDEA) Annual Conference. NACD Blog: Investing in Tomorrow: NCF-Envirothon Inspires the Next Generation Erin Hines is just one of hundreds of thousands of students whose life has been forever positively impacted through the National Conservation Foundation (NCF)-Envirothon. Like the thousands of high school students who compete each year, Hines understands the vast impacts of the international natural resource competition. Pipestone County Star: Local soil champions filmed The Cunninghams and others being interviewed are part of the NACD Soil Health Champions Network (SHCN). The network has 240 producers from across the nation who practice good soil health management on their operations and promote the use of soil health management systems within their communities. Science Daily: Finding common ground for scientists and policymakers on soil carbon and climate change Scientists argue that public debate about the role of soil carbon in battling climate change is undermining the potential for policymakers to implement policies that build soil carbon for other environmental and agricultural benefits. National Geographic: Arizona’s water supplies are drying up. How will its farmers survive? As the mighty Colorado River dwindles and cropland dries out, farming families face a grim choice: give up or somehow adapt. Michigan Radio: No-till farming could cut greenhouse gases significantly We know that burning fossil fuels releases a lot of greenhouse gases. But there are other human-caused sources that contribute to climate change. As Lester Graham with the Environment Report found, one of them is how farmers plant crops. High Plains Journal: Riparian buffers can make good pollinator habitat Farmers and landowners who want to increase pollinator habitat while also improving water quality should consider the benefits of saturated riparian buffers enhanced with native wildflowers. USA Today: Red tide, the toxic algae bloom that kills wildlife, returns to southwest Florida Southwest Florida is warily watching the approach of another red tide invasion to its shores one year after a toxic algae bloom cost the tourist and fishing industry millions of dollars in losses. CBS 19: New program promotes forest preservation, CO2 sequestration A new partnership aims to support sustainable forests and carbon market development in targeted areas in Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. The Hill: Trees that survived the California drought could contain the key to climate resilience California’s five-year drought killed 129 million trees across the state’s forests. Their lifeless trunks are mostly still standing, but among their browning leaves and needles are survivors — trees that withstood the historically hot, dry years that climate change is expected to make more frequent and more intense in coming decades. Outside: The West's Water Shortage Is Fueled by Human Error Given the West’s history of drought, it stands to reason that states in the region would know exactly how much water is available and where it’s being used, but that isn’t the case. Despite widely reported warnings of an impending water crisis in the American West, conservationists and water-law experts say, shortages may be fueled as much by human error as a lack of precipitation. Phys.org: Researchers find nature's backup plan for converting nitrogen into plant nutrients Although nitrogen is essential for all living organisms—it makes up 3 percent of the human body—and comprises 78 percent of Earth's atmosphere, it's almost ironically difficult for plants and natural systems to access it. |
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