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Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact the NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: Technical Assistance in the Everglades Agricultural Area The Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) is an extremely environmentally sensitive area that loses approximately half an inch of soil every year. AgWeb: Adopting Conserving Agricultural Practices: A Farmer's Perspective (Opinion) When farmers consider what practices to utilize in operating their farms, several factors are taken into account. However, the paramount consideration is the impact of adopting a new practice on the financial bottom line of their farming operation, since most farmer’s operations are the main, or a highly significant, source of income for their families. Agri-Pulse: NEPA rewrite would limit length, scope of environmental reviews (Subscriber Only) In a major overhaul of the National Environmental Policy Act, a new rule released by the White House Wednesday would establish deadlines for completion of NEPA reviews and reduce the scope of actions needing such review. KYOU TV: Area organization helping those in need Ashley Utt is the Executive Director of Patherfinders RC&D. "We help with grant writing, fiscal management, we work with the state of Iowa, we partner with a lot of soil water conservation districts." E&E News: Committee approves $24B agriculture bill The House Appropriations Committee [last Thursday] swiftly passed a $24 billion spending measure for agriculture programs for the next fiscal year, brushing aside the Trump administration's request for sweeping cuts. News and Tribune: Bipartisan bill touted for benefits to farmers, climate A bill in the U.S. Senate seeks to make it easier for farmers, ranchers and foresters to sell carbon credits they can earn by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or sequestering carbon on their land. AgNet West: Conservation Practices Prove Valuable Despite Early Challenges The implementation of various conservation practices is continuing to prove to be a wise investment for growers. Individual cost studies are consistently showing that establishing processes for conservation can provide economic success for a farming operation. Phys.org: New study shows rural westerners strongly support environmental protections Rural voters in the American West have a strong commitment to environmental protections and conservation, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of Wyoming, Duke University and the University of Rhode Island. NPR: How Absentee Landowners Keep Farmers From Protecting Water And Soil [Prairie strips] protect soil and water, and capture carbon dioxide from the air. For this to happen, though, farmers have to be willing to give that land back to nature. And many experts on farmland say that it can make economic sense. Phys.org: About 94 percent of wild bee and native plant species networks lost, study finds Climate change and an increase in disturbed bee habitats from expanding agriculture and development in northeastern North America over the last 30 years are likely responsible for a 94 percent loss of plant-pollinator networks, York University researchers found. Agri-Pulse: Conservation credit system allows Nevada ranchers to aid sage-grouse conservation (Subscriber Only) With greater sage-grouse numbers continuing to decline throughout their range in the western United States, one state is engaging ranchers to preserve habitat for the bird, known for its elaborate mating rituals. Successful Farming: Farmers Finding Benefits to Cover Crop Adoption: Soil Health Partnership Adoption of cover crops in rotation with cash crops is helping farmers manage soil to improve organic matter and achieve better rainfall infiltration, according to a recently published report from the Soil Health Partnership (SHP). WTOP News: Report: Chesapeake Bay underwater grasses declined last year A new report says that underwater grasses in the Chesapeake Bay have declined by nearly 40 percent. |
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