Agri-Pulse: Angry chairman threatens to shut down conservation signup
By Philip Brasher
House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson, in an unusually blunt confrontation with a senior USDA official, threatened to sue the department for resuming enrollment Wednesday in the “continuous” portion of the Conservation Reserve Program.
Scientific American: Today's Floods Occur along "a Very Different" Mississippi River
By Daniel Cusick
Experts say the new floods come faster and more furiously than their 20th-century counterparts. They last longer and are less predictable. And they cause more property damage, especially in the basin’s upper reaches where wetlands, forest and prairie have been replaced by subdivisions, office parks and drain-tiled farm fields.
AG Web: 'Mountain of Sand' Spread Across Nebraska Farms After Floods
Nebraska landowners are seeking new solutions for a millions-year-old phenomenon. Tons of sand, sediment and silt — some in dunes as high as 10 feet — have been scattered across the eastern half to two-thirds of the state by the March flooding.
Reuters: STATELINE-To Control Forest Fires, Western States Light More of Their Own
By Sophie Quinton
The Forest Service and its partners hope over the next decade to carry out a series of such prescribed burns in Northern Colorado to protect communities and the river, which supplies water to about 300,000 people.
Star Tribune: Oak plight is example of Minnesota forests becoming less wildlife-friendly
By C.B. Bylander
The mighty oak isn’t so mighty after all. That is the growing reality in Minnesota, where red, white and bur oaks struggle to regenerate because of sapling-munching deer, invasive species and modest commercial demand, the latter a root cause for forests composed largely of older trees and relatively few young trees.
Science Daily: Role of cover crops in slowing herbicide resistance
Researchers conducted field experiments in Pennsylvania to explore how cover cropping tactics influenced the management of horseweed in no-till grain crops. Seven cover-cropping treatments were used over two subsequent growing seasons.
The Morning Call: Fungus among us found to kill spotted lanternfly invaders
By Michelle Merlin
Researchers at Cornell University came out to take a look and identified the fungus as Batkoa major, one of two naturally occurring fungi killing lanternflies in the area. While more study is needed, researchers agree the finding has potential to be a weapon in the fight against the detested invaders, which will begin hatching this month as the weather turns warmer.
FOX Business: Have a feral pig problem? There’s a drone for that.
By Joe Williams
Federal and state governments have been largely unable to help, farmers say, and the options for eradication aren’t sustainable, like using helicopters to shoot the hogs from the sky.
Homeland Security News Wire: As floods increase, cities like Detroit are looking to green stormwater infrastructure
By Erica Gies
Urban sprawl meant paving over grasslands and wetlands, making it so water is unable to soak into the ground. Today, that impervious development, coupled with the more intense storms brought by climate change, is making flooding a major issue for many cities. Urban areas are looking for better ways to manage runoff.
WRAL: New Mexico forest restoration faces challenge
By Susan Montoya Bryan
A proposed effort to restore a wide swath of national forest land in southern New Mexico over the next decade or two is drawing fire from environmentalists who say the U.S. government needs to do more to determine the effects on endangered species and the land.
Star Tribune: Thousands of invasive goldfish pack chain of Chaska lakes
By Katy Read
What almost certainly started with pet owners trying to do a good deed went decidedly wrong, and now a chain of lakes in Chaska is swarming with invasive goldfish. |