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Conservation Clip List is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. If you have a relevant submission, please contact your NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: Q&A: How to be fire smart for the Fourth With 29 active large fires across the United States and more than 8,400 firefighters and support personnel working to contain the fires, NACD is here to answer some common holiday weekend-related fire questions, to make sure that your trip is fun, memorable, and most importantly, safe. NACD Blog: Did You Know? Funding Plans for Districts To cope with inadequate and/or unreliable funding, successful districts have prepared strategic plans, business plans, and adopted best-practice policies and procedures. They have also developed and implemented funding plans that not only speak to their vision and mission statements, but also focus on the current and emerging conservation needs of their specific community’s needs. Fewer no-till fields may be fueling dust storms via Moline Dispatch and Rock Island Argus Conservation experts fear a reduction in no-till farm fields may be contributing to dust storms. The wet spring left farmers anxious to do something in their fields. "Guys were trying to expedite planting or dry the soil out artificially.” Trump administration to propose repealing rule giving EPA broad authority over water pollution via The Washington Post President Trump’s administration will revoke a rule that gives the Environmental Protection Agency broad authority over regulating the pollution of wetlands and tributaries that run into the nation’s largest rivers. USDA expands emergency grazing in drought states via The Bismarck Tribune The U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing additional assistance for livestock producers dealing with the ongoing drought across North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. The USDA has expanded emergency grazing on land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program, including those counties where drought conditions are moderate. Officials: Live Asian Carp Discovered Near Lake Michigan via CBS Chicago Once again a dreaded Asian carp has been found relatively close to Chicago and Lake Michigan. Silver carp are among four types of Asian carp threatening to invade the lakes, where scientists say they could compete with native species, unravel aquatic food chains, and devastate the region’s $7 billion fishing industry. House Subcommittee Funding Bill for USDA Cuts Less Than Trump Budget Plan via KTIC The House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies advanced a bill funding fiscal year 2018 discretionary programs for USDA and other agencies at just more than $20 billion, cutting $1.1 billion from last year’s bill, or about 5.2% less than current funding levels. Opinion: Private Land Owners are Key to Rural Land Management via Agri-Pulse (Opinion) It is estimated that across the U.S., 1 in 6 rural Americans are family forest owners. All together, they own more than a third (36 percent) of the forest land in the United States. Our impact is widely felt. A monster weed is invading the Iowa Great Lakes and no one is sure how to stop it via The Des Moines Register Invasive curlyleaf pondweed has been choking East Okoboji Lake, snarling boat propellers, burning up motors, and shutting down swimming, tubing, and other water sports in an area that depends on recreation. Thousands in Arizona flee flames as wildfires sweep West via ABC News The fire has charred 32 square miles (83 square kilometers) while being fanned by winds ranging to 35 mph (56 kph) winds. And in Idaho, fire officials say quick responses by ranchers and others to more than 20 wildfires sparked by lightning have kept the small fires from becoming major blazes like those that scorched the region in recent decades. Park Service to fight ash borer damage on Roosevelt Island via The Washington Post The National Park Service said that it was closing the 88-acre Roosevelt Island temporarily to remove trees that have already fallen prey to the invader, an insect no more than a half-inch long, called the emerald ash borer. Ash trees live no more than two or three years once the malignant beetle has gained a foothold. Conventionally farmed land is literally dirt poor. A Vermont couple has set out to change that. via StarTribune They’ve taken the word to the Vermont legislature. If passed, Senate Bill 43 would establish a statewide regenerative soils program. Bill S.43 takes aim at the very foundation of the current ag system — the soil itself. Yellowstone grizzly bears removed from endangered species list via CNN The Yellowstone grizzly bear population has recovered enough to be delisted from the endangered species list. Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke called the recovery "one of America's great conservation successes." |
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