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Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact the NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: Forestry Notes Q&A: Jad Daley Jad Daley is the President and CEO of American Forests, the nation’s oldest forest conservation organization founded in 1875. “Conservation districts have a huge role to play [in reforestation efforts] through technical assistance, facilitating cost-share and even just helping to identify suitable areas,” he told NACD. Successful Farming: Starting a Forest Management Plan A well-prepared forest management plan will help you meet current and future goals. Earl Garber, past president of the National Association of Conservation Districts, says to start your plan by conferring with local conservation and forestry professionals for their assessment and technical assistance. Moose Lake Star Gazette: Working with farmers to improve water quality Leading the way to improvements in land practices and water quality is the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP), a program through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). This voluntary program gives farmers and agricultural landowners the opportunity, according to the MDA website, to "take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water.” E&E News: Landowner agreements drive vulnerable plant's recovery (Subscriber Only) The recovery of the Colorado butterfly plant announced today showcases the power of collaboration between private landowners and Endangered Species Act enforcers. Phys.org: Study finds season an important factor in soil microbe sampling Soil bacterial communities influence crop success and agricultural sustainability by interacting with plants in a variety of ways, from exchanging nutrients to influencing plant susceptibility to infection. UPI: Wild horse and burro numbers must be slashed, advisory board says The bureau's Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, a citizen group of wild horse and burro stakeholders, met in Washington, D.C., last week, to advise the bureau on best practices. Farmer’s Weekly: To feed the world, we have to protect the pollinators (Opinion) Pollinators are responsible for the production of many crops grown for human consumption, but their numbers are declining. To ensure food security, world leaders and agriculture authorities must act now to save these crucial species, says the Food and Health Organization of the United Nations. KTLA: ‘Little Arson Grasses’: Non-Native Species Making California Wildfires More Frequent, Study Finds For much of the United States, invasive grass species are making wildfires more frequent, especially in fire-prone California, a new study finds. Twelve non-native species act as “little arsonist grasses,” said study co-author Bethany Bradley, a University of Massachusetts professor of environmental conservation. Our Midland: Missouri farmers seeking to reduce runoff in Gulf of Mexico More than three decades later, state programs and agriculture initiatives are trying to encourage farmers to adopt no-till and other practices that reduce fertilizer runoff that contributes to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. SciTech Daily: California’s Switch to Solar, Wind Energy Preserves Groundwater for Drought, Agriculture Solar and wind farms are popping up around the country to lower carbon emissions, and these renewables also have another important effect: keeping more water in the ground. KCRA: Unprecedented effort to combat risk of catastrophic wildfire announced The announcement Thursday includes a Memorandum of Understanding for nine different agencies, groups and organizations to thin and restore 275,000 acres of forest on a pace and scale that will prioritize community safety, forest health and resilience. Modern Farmer: A New Spray Could Help Crops Hold Onto Water During Droughts A new possibility comes from researchers at the University of California, Riverside, in the form of a chemical that triggers plants to stop growing—and start storing water. |
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