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Conservation Clip List is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. If you have a relevant submission, please contact your NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: Leopold Award honors conservationists on working lands With more than 75 percent of land in the United States privately owned, it’s important to recognize and celebrate landowners’ achievements. The Leopold Conservation Awards Program was designed to do exactly that. Roberts Signals Limit to Conservation, Forestry Funding via DTN/The Progressive Farmer Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., signaled last week that the best conservation and forestry advocates can expect out of the next farm bill is protection of programs at current funding levels. Editorial: To clean up our water, go 'nuts' like this Iowa farmer via The Des Moines Register (Opinion) Watkins has broken out of the two-crop cycle in which so many farmers are caught. He grows corn but also oats, alfalfa, and cover crops. He grazes his cattle on pastureland, and about 400 acres of his land have been restored to prairie or set aside for ponds and protection of wildlife and streams. And he’s seen better financial returns as a result, he said, even if it comes at the cost of huge corn yields. Virus decimates wheat in southern Panhandle via Lincoln Journal Star The wheat virus is at epidemic levels in the southern Panhandle this year. The Nebraska Wheat Association earlier this month reported as many as 85 percent of fields in the region affected. The disease can entirely wipe out a season of work, dropping yields to zero. Field tests show how pesticides can wreak havoc on honeybees via Los Angeles Times Concentrations of neonicotinoids that bees actually encounter in fields are indeed dangerous for bees. The more neonicotinoids there were in the ecosystem, the smaller the size of the honeybee colonies and the lower the fertility rate of wild bees. Trout reintroduced to Iowa river headwaters via The Gazette Along with restoring a haven for the esteemed brookies, the project’s reductions in bacteria and sediment put some of the affected streams on track for removal from the state’s impaired waters list. What you need to know about the 21 wildland fires burning in Arizona via AZ Central Fire season is at its peak, with 21 wildland fires currently active across the state. Almost 190,000 acres of land has burned from these fires alone. Damage From Wayward Weedkiller Keeps Growing via NPR Dicamba is not a new weedkiller; it's been around for 50 years. The problem is, dicamba doesn't always stay where it's supposed to. In hot weather, dicamba turns into a gas that apparently can drift for miles. And soybeans that haven't been specifically engineered to tolerate dicamba are extremely sensitive to it. BLM requests input for future planning efforts and environmental reviews via Northern Nevada Business Weekly The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it is requesting ideas and input on how the agency can make its land use planning procedures and environmental reviews timelier and less costly, as well as ensure its responsiveness to local needs. June Frost Hits South Dakota Corn; US Northern Plains Drought Intensifies via DTN/The Progressive Farmer Over the last weekend of June, some of the already drought-stricken areas in north-central South Dakota saw a damaging frost on their corn. Some authorities have declared that at least $20 million of crops in South Dakota have already been destroyed by drought or the June 24 frost, with more losses expected. Massachusetts Probing What Killed Thousands of Honeybees via The New York Times The Massachusetts' Department of Agricultural Resources is investigating a massive honeybee kill that has almost entirely wiped out a hive of 80,000 bees. |
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