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Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact the NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: RCD efforts helping forests to recover, restock California’s Mariposa County Resource Conservation District (RCD) is joining forces with county, state and federal agencies to implement fuels reduction, reforestation and biomass utilization projects. NACD Blog: SWCD helping to restore windbreaks in Texas A partnership between Middle Clear Fork Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the West Texas Nursery is helping to upgrade windbreaks in central Texas. Aberdeen News: USDA seeks proposals for on-farm conservation and soil health test projects The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service is accepting proposals through May 11 for On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials (On-Farm Trials), now in its second year. On-Farm Trials, part of the agency’s Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) program, help support the adoption and evaluation of innovative conservation approaches on agricultural land. E&E News: Bipartisan bill aims to help crops damaged by floods (Subscriber Only) Legislation introduced by two Midwest senators would use the federal crop insurance program to encourage farmers to plant grass or other cover crops on land that's been damaged by natural disasters. E&E News: USDA will 'remain open' as it allows employees to telework (Subscriber Only) The Department of Agriculture aims to keep offices around the country open as it responds to the novel coronavirus outbreak, even as employees are given more opportunity to work from home. Knowable Magazine: The soil solution Lush soils appeal not just to farmers but, increasingly, to policymakers and entrepreneurs scrambling to slow climate change. Stanford: Stanford researchers uncover benefits of diversified farms for protecting wildlife and buffering against climate change The researchers found that farms with diverse crops planted together provide more secure, stable habitats for wildlife and are more resilient to climate change than the single-crop standard that dominates today’s agriculture industry. Yale E360: A Movement Grows to Help Farmers Reduce Pollution and Turn a Profit In Pennsylvania, an innovative program is showing farmers how to plant cash crops in buffer zones to help stabilize stream banks and clean up waterways. The Week: Scientists predict above-average U.S. wildfire activity for 2020 after sharp drop in 2019 Last year brought the U.S. its lowest amount of wildfire destruction since 2004, but it's likely an anomaly in a period of increasing wildfire threats, according to a new analysis. Phys.org: Restore soil to absorb billions of tonnes of carbon: study Restoring and protecting the world's soil could absorb more than five billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year—roughly what the U.S. emits annually—new research showed Monday. Bloomberg Environment: Recent Great Lakes Water Highs, Lows Tied to Climate Change Climate change is causing record high water levels in the Great Lakes basin only years after record lows, battering coastal communities and fundamentally changing aquatic ecosystems. U.S. News: NASA Grant Will Help Maine Scientist Study Wildfire Effects The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has given $300,000 to a Maine professor to study whether an instrument on the International Space Station can help predict the effects of wildfires. Green Bay Press Gazette: What is a watershed and why should you care? Because the health of watersheds and flooding, water quality are inseparable. A healthy watershed can slow down flooding, produce better soil conditions, improve water quality and guard against more extreme weather patterns. It's something we can all benefit from. |
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