NACD Blog: NCF #FutureFocused Q&A with Millie Langley
Millie Langley, NCF-Envirothon Chair, grew up on a dairy farm in Ossipee, N.C. She current works as a soil conservationist for the Guilford Soil and Water Conservation District in North Carolina.
NACD Blog: Georgia Association of Conservation Districts offers online and virtual supervisor and staff training to districts
In 2019, the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts (GACD) launched a new Online Supervisor and Staff Training program.
NACD Blog: California districts team up to create a statewide forestry committee
California is taking steps to streamline forestry management efforts and projects across the state by combining two committees into one.
NACD Blog: Maine SWCD workshop caters to female forest landowners
The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in Maine is working with women to ensure they have the skills necessary to manage the state’s forestland.
BARN: NACD Statement on Gray Wolf Delisting
By Brian Allmer
On Thursday, NACD issued a statement regarding the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)'s announcement to delist the gray wolf.
Agri-Pulse: EQIP final rule updates soil health, nutrient management plan requirements
By Ben Nuelle
(Subscriber Only) The Department of Agriculture has finalized a rule making soil health, comprehensive nutrient management plan, and advanced payment changes to the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. “EQIP is the workhorse of the farm bill conservation programs and the foundation of voluntary, incentive-based conservation for agriculture and forest producers,” National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) CEO Jeremy Peters said in an email to Agri-Pulse.
Morning Ag Clips: Ohioan recognized for pollinator efforts
The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and Pollinator Partnership (P2) presented Jim Croskey of Dalroy Farms in Holmes County, Ohio, with the 2020 Farmer-Rancher Pollinator Conservation Award.
Gold Country Media: Placer Resource Conservation District includes vegetable seedlings in donation boxes
In response to food insecurity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Placer Resource Conservation District hosted the Planting Hope Produce and Seedling Giveaway – curbside pick-up, of course.
Village Soup: Waldo County Soil and Water Conservation District awarded grant to study Lake Winnecook
The Waldo County Soil and Water Conservation District announced its successful application for $45,508 in U.S. EPA Clean Water Act Section 604(b) grant funds to create an updated Watershed-Based Management Plan for Lake Winnecook (Unity Pond), located in the towns of Burnham, Troy and Unity.
The Palm Beach Post: Little known board on ballot helps preserves wetlands, assists farmers and aids water conservation efforts
By Kimberly Miller
The Palm Beach County Soil and Water Conservation District has no taxing authority and a volunteer board, but its role in preserving wetlands, assisting farmers and aiding in water conservation efforts play a part in environmental sustainability in South Florida.
News-Herald: Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District's Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign enters final week
Once a year the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District combines water conservation and art appreciation through their Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign. Through this creative community initiative, local artists transform 55-gallon recycled plastic barrels into beautiful, repurposed rain barrels, a news release stated.
Oregon NRCS: Conserving Water and Power through Irrigation Water Management
To solve these resource issues, a partnership formed among the Three Sisters Irrigation District (TSID), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Deschutes Soil and Water Conservation District (DSWCD), and the local agricultural producers to utilize USDA’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).
Successful Farming: Cleaning Up a Watershed
By Raylene Nickel
When Carbondale, Kansas, corn-and-soybean grower Keith Badger became chairman of the Osage County Conservation District some years ago, he took on a role that would challenge his leadership skills while making good use of his longtime experience with no-till and cover crops.
WCBU: Regenerative Ag Could Make Illinois Farms More Climate-Friendly -- And More Profitable, Too
By Tory Dahlhoff
Earlier this month, the University of Illinois announced the launch of their Regenerative Agriculture Initiative, and what seems an official acknowledgment of the critical issues facing the industry: from soil health to farmer wealth. A census of the soil microbiome
By Lori Dajose
In our changing climate, a thorough understanding of healthy soil microbiomes will lead to more resilient crops and thus more sustainable food sources.
iFiber One News: DNR Releases Forest Action Plan, Setting the Course for Washington’s Forests
By Stevie Mathieu
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released its 2020 Forest Action Plan on Monday, Oct. 26, outlining more than 100 priority actions to improve and conserve forests across Washington, including goals that support fish and wildlife, rural economies, wildfire response, outdoor recreation, family forestry, urban trees, and clean air and water.
The Verge: Wildfires tear through Colorado’s beetle-bitten forests
By Justine Calma
Record-setting wildfires in Colorado are wreaking havoc on forests that have already been devastated by outbreaks of another kind: infestations of beetles that burrow beneath tree bark and eventually kill their hosts.
University of Wisconsin-Madison: Research highlights need for grassland conservation, agriculture support
By Mary Magnuson
Expanding crops into grasslands to increase production could further jeopardize their operations’ profitability due to diminished yields, according to University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers. And these areas, while generally not well suited for growing crops, are important to the native biodiversity of the Midwest.
Morning Ag Clips: Priority watersheds named in Oregon
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has named 379 priority watersheds to help agricultural producers improve water quality across the country. In Oregon, producers within targeted watersheds will receive focused financial and technical resources through USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI).
NTV: Seeds of change -- research underway to make cover crops more accessible
By Steve White
Seeds of change are cropping up in Nebraska. Many farmers have embraced cover crops to improve soil health but there's a tight window to plant them at harvest. |