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Conservation Clip List is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what's driving conservation. If you have a relevant submission, please contact your NACD Communications Team. |
NACD Blog: Forestry Notes Q&A: George Geissler, NASF President and Oklahoma State Forester Geissler has been the Oklahoma State Forester since February 2011 and this September accepted his new role as President of the National Association of State Foresters (NASF). NACD Blog: Did You Know? NACD has a Presidents Association The NACD Presidents Association brings together former and current presidents of state/territory associations so that they may continue to contribute to the improvement of district, state, and national programs that promote natural resource conservation. NACD Blog: Strong partnerships power Burney-Hat Creek projects Fall River Resource Conservation District’s (RCD) Burney-Hat Creek Bioenergy Plant was one of the three California Energy Commission grant recipients in September. It’s the latest success from a list of projects the Fall River RCD has been a part of. GOP leaders optimistic water quality funding will get 2018 Iowa Legislature's OK via Des Moines Register Republican leaders at the Iowa Capitol are expressing confidence they will see quick, early action to approve long-term, sustainable funding for statewide water quality projects during the Iowa Legislature's 2018 session, which convenes in January. Critics: Ohio's plan to cut Lake Erie algae lacks direction via ABC News The plan calls for continuing and expanding mostly voluntary farming practices — such as increasing soil testing and installing devices that control storm water — that are intended to slow fertilizer runoff. But what the plan doesn't get into is how much needs to be done or set goals to reach the 40 percent reduction. Science holds the key to a more sustainable farm future via The Hill (Opinion) Understanding how to keep enough nutrients in soils and plants, while reducing pollutants in water and the atmosphere, is key to maintaining productivity of farmers and ranchers while preventing damage to the environment and human health in rural communities. 'Cute' urban deer eat tons of vegetation, spread disease, and damage ecosystems via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Elected officials often have a hard time making decisions on how best to manage stewardship of natural resources when it involves white-tailed deer. The results of ignoring the overpopulation can be severe. Forest Service hiring nearly 1,000 temporary jobs in region via Denver ABC 7 The Forest Service plans to hire that many temporary workers to help at national forests and grasslands in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming next year. The jobs include a variety of duties, including firefighting, wildlife, recreation, forestry, and administrative support. A change in wildfire funding will help our Missouri forests via Springfield News-Leader (Opinion) This flawed way to pay for fighting these fires means that agencies must choose: Put the fires out or fund the conservation and land management work they’ve historically focused on. It doesn’t make sense to have firefighting come at the expense of projects that make our lands healthier — and less fire-prone — in the first place. Iowa airports going green, saving on energy costs via The Gazette The airport has begun planting natural waterways on its 2,000 acres of farmland with a hybrid mix of native grass and pollinators. Farmers who lease the land from the airport to grow corn or soybeans also have planted 300 acres with a cover crop. Using Forests to Fight Climate Change via Bloomberg California’s proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest, including by controlled burning. The remaining trees draw a greater share of the available moisture, so they grow and thrive, restoring the forest's capacity to pull carbon from the air. Tribal Nations Need to Be Included in Effort to Combat Invasives via Sierra Magazine There are at least 56.2 million acres of Native American lands spread across the United States, an area the size of Kansas. Despite this, Native Americans are often neglected when it comes to invasive species work. The funds, equally distributed over the next three years, will be used to conduct soil health research on wheat farms and education outreach to more than 125,000 wheat farmers across the Northern and Southern Plains. This latest contribution brings General Mills’ recent financial commitments to nearly $3 million for promoting the expanded adoption of soil health practices. |
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