Women woodland owners learn through sharing

Throughout the United States, women are increasingly becoming responsible for the management of private working lands. Some women inherit forestland from their parents or spouses. Others are entrepreneurs that purchase and manage their own forestland as an investment. Too often though, women lack access to the technical resources they need to be highly successful working landowners. Read more in the Women in Forestry Special Report>>>

Districts can make connections

In 2003, Linda Brownson and her husband relocated to New Hampshire from Texas, where for nine years she helped manage forestland and rangeland while her husband grew a family financial consulting business. The couple purchased a two-centuries-old New Hampshire farm that sits 1,500 feet above sea level in the western foothills of the White Mountains. Its 200 forested acres are an even mix of northern hardwoods (sugar and red maple, black cherry, birch, red oak) and conifers (balsam fir, white and red pine, eastern larch). It was a paradise for Brownson, but the property presented a series of management ideas and obstacles. She needed help.

“I wondered, ‘How am I going to find enough resources to manage this beautiful land?’”

Brownson began by signing up for workshops through the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Extension, which introduced her to the Grafton County Conservation District and local NRCS (the three organizations are co-located). Through that connection, she secured cost-share for five contracts that have addressed forest stand improvement, water crossings, culverts, and mast tree release. Read more>>>

Women4theLand provides resources

Since 2013, the Women, Food & Agriculture Network (WFAN), the American Farmland Trust, Indiana’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) and other conservation partners have been working together to reach out to women farmers and forest landowners in Indiana. This effort, called Women4theLand, aims to provide information, networking, education, and resources. The objective is to empower them to make good science-based land use and land management decisions that lead to more viable communities and stronger farm enterprises while improving and sustaining the quality of natural resources. Read more>>>

NASF, partners take to Capitol Hill for guided tree tour

Earlier this month, the National Association of State Foresters’ (NASF) Communications Committee gathered with several partners in Washington, D.C., for an in-depth tour of the Capitol Grounds – now an accredited arboretum.

The event was organized by NASF Communications Director Amanda Cooke and attended by NASF CEO Jay Farrell, NACD Director of Communications Whitney Forman-Cook, and a number of state forestry agency leaders and professionals.

The tour was given by the Capitol Grounds Superintendent Ted Bechtol and covered the 58-acre area surrounding the Capitol Building and a large portion of the grounds’ level II arboretum, which is home to at least 100 species of woody plants. The grounds were designed in the late 1870s by Frederick Law Olmsted, a pioneer in the development of public parks in America.

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